Welcome to the Weekend Snack - a quick roundup of my favorite things from the past weekend.
I attended the Sundance Film Festival in my home state of Utah. The days were a joyous blur of movies, skiing, and catching up with friends. I’ll do a roundup of my favorite movies once the festival finishes, but in the meantime, I thought I’d share some of the research and rewatching I did ahead of attending.
🎬 Boys State. This documentary follows a thousand teenage boys in Texas as they join together to build a government from scratch. A fascinating look at the youth’s impression of our political system and how early political division takes hold. At times terrifying, and at other times encouraging, a worthwhile look at the nascent stages of future leaders. This originally premiered at Sundance in 2020, and I watched ahead of attending the follow-up, Girls State, at this year’s festival.
🎬 Theater Camp. A favorite from last year’s festival, the movie tells the story of a rundown theater camp in upstate New York that has to come together to save their beloved camp from bank foreclosure. Part Christopher Guest inspired mockumentary, part Parent Trap style ode to summer camp, this movie is unforgettably funny and has something for the theater and non-theater kids alike.
📚The Outrun by Amy Liptrot. There’s a theme emerging here... I read this memoir in anticipation of seeing the premiere of the film adaptation (starring Saoirse Ronan!). This is a harrowing story of a woman returning to her rural home, seeking recovery from her alcohol addiction. Evocative, beautifully written, and incredibly vulnerable. Worth a read!
💅🏻 Homeoplasmine. Yep - this isn’t a movie. But, occasionally I’ll throw in other recs if they made my weekend particularly glorious. If you have dry hands and lips like me and frequent dry climates, this one is for you. I’ve sworn by this better version of Aquaphor for the last few years. My savior as I walked from movie to movie in the cold. French skincare wins again!
I’m curious - what are some of your Sundance favorites from years past? Let me know in the comments. And don’t forget to subscribe for your weekly menu of cultural recs.