What is the Culture Diet?
The Culture Diet is your source for a well-balanced content meal, including weekly recs for movies, TV, theater, and books across various subjects and sensibilities. Much like how a meal can nourish, delight, and gather, culture nurtures our sense of self and helps us connect through shared experience. Thus, my aim is to share curated meals that encourage connection, stimulate discussion, and help you find that bite of culture you can’t stop thinking about.
I’d describe my interests as the “high highs” and the “low lows” – with no judgment in between. I’ve learned just as much from what people denigrate as “lowbrow” as I have from each year’s award show darlings. You can expect me to talk just as passionately about why I think Jennifer’s Body is criminally underrated as I will about how Mrs. Dalloway forever changed the way I think about a day in the life.
But is it for me?
If you’ve ever sat in front of the TV, scrolling endlessly as the evening dwindles away – this is for you!
If you’re craving something different to read but overwhelmed by the task of finding a new book - this is for you!
If you enjoy theater but want to make sure the show is worth it before you fork over ticket prices - you guessed it, this is for you!
If you’ve ever found yourself on the way to an obligatory dinner, preparing cultural anecdotes to encourage conversation beyond this week’s engagement news, AND you’re still reading this about me section - this is clearly for you; you should just subscribe.
If you’re looking for up-to-the-minute cultural coverage - this is not for you. While many of my recs will be recent, my aim here isn’t to chase the present but to provide a timeless, well-rounded diet.
If you want a scathing Letterboxd style review of the content I didn’t like - this is not for you. I find “good” and “bad” to be pretty subjective, but this particular diet is about delivering unabashedly positive recommendations that stir thought and discussion.
And why you, Jordan?
I’ve got an English degree, a Kindle, too many streaming subscriptions, and an insatiable desire for stories. I’m not an expert in anything, but I am an expert in a little bit of everything. So join me on my journey to justify the amount of content I consume and enrich your cultural palette along the way.
For more, you can find me on Instagram or Twitter.